Contact us

At Re.Medispa, we combine beauty + science to arm you with radiant, glowing skin. Whether it’s soothing thick scarring, face contouring with anti-wrinkle or plumping out sunken features, we give expert advice for skincare that lasts a lifetime.

Wish you could package up your treatments and take them home? You can! Our skincare range Re.Mediskin is bottled expertise which relies on a strong scientific foundation to give you powerful results from home. Our range uses powerful medical grade ingredients that have been exhaustively researched and fine-tuned to enhance your results and leave you glowing and fresh.

Meet the team

Re. Medispa has an in-house Dermal Clinician and Cosmetic Physician so you can experience (literal) hands-on expertise from professionals who invest in you and your skin.

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With a decade’s worth of experience in the beauty and medical-aesthetic industry, our Dermal Clinician Sofia is an expert all things skin. After studying a Diploma in Beauty Therapy and a Bachelor of Dermal Sciences at Victoria University, Sofia plunged into the dermal world feet first.

Sofia will be your go-to for post-operative scar management, medi-aesthetic facials, clinical peels, and other dermal treatments.

Nurturing, results-driven and meticulous, let Sofia reform + renew your skin today.


Dr Lisa Freeman (MBBS, RACGP) is the queen of subtlety, enhancing our patients’ natural beauty with small tweaks.

With over 14 years’ experience in cosmetic medicine specifically, every Re.Medispa patient will feel supported, cared for and nurtured with expert advice and injectables from a certified doctor.

Dr Freeman always conducts a free consultation prior to any treatments to align your injectable or filler goals in our relaxing, beautiful rooms.

Our philosophy of science + skin ensures certified skin greatness every visit.

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